Annual Research Report

In order to manage activity at MLBS, and better serve your needs, we ask that individual research programs submit short annual reports.  Reports should be completed by the PI or someone representing the lab or project.  Postdocs, graduate students, or undergraduates heading up their own project are asked to submit separate reports.  Groups truly collaborating on a single project can submit just one report.  Thanks very much for your time and effort.  It really helps us a lot.

Feel free to skip sections that do not apply to you. If you miss a required field (red asterisk) you will be returned to the top of the form. 

A) Personal Information
Current Contact Information
B) Project Details for Work at MLBS During the Report Year
Graduate Students
C) Field Station Facilities
D) Review and Submit Your Report

Thank you very much!  These data will let us track and report work done at the Station, and help us serve you better.

Acknowledgement request: We ask all individuals and institutions that conduct research at the Station or use Station facilities to please follow the acknowledgement policy outlines below:

  1. At Manuscript Submission: Please acknowledge "Mountain Lake Biological Station, University of Virgina" in any publication, report, or electronic communication in which work conducted at Mountain Lake is mentioned.
  2. After Publication: Please email final published citations to

When you are ready . . .   

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