REU Program Student Application

REU Site Program: Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior Field Research at Mountain Lake Biological Station

Application Deadline: February 20

Three components of this application require advanced preparation:

  1. Four Essay Sections (150 word limit in each section) written by the applicant, and pasted into the application form. The essay must consist of these four seperate sections: 1. Discuss past experiences that qualify you for this research internship and what you gained from them. 2. What are your career interests and professional goals? 3. What do you hope to achieve by spending the summer at Mountain Lake? 4. Talk about characteristics of you as a person that make you especially suitable for this program and a desirable recruiting candidate for both the University of Virginia and the National Science Foundation. If any mentor options or project areas appeal to you, feel free to let us know, and why. 
  2. Courses, Grades, and GPAs. A list of college-level STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) courses and grades is required in the application. Please do list AP or transfer credits even if no grade was awarded. Full transcripts will be requested during final consideration. 
  3. One Recommendation from a research mentor, academic advisor, or science instructor who knows you and your potential for research well. Nonacademic or "community" referees (e.g. coaches, religious leaders) are much less valuable. Referees should submit their Reference Letter Form after you submit your application, and MUST reference the same email you provide here in order for their letter to be connected to your application.