Beckman, Noelle (Washington and Lee University). Mentor: David Marsh (Washington and Lee University). What effect do road-edges have on red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinereus)?
Brown, Travis (Morehouse College). Mentor: Laura Galloway (University of Virginia). Secondary deed dispersal in Campanula americana.
Clarke, Blaine (Washington and Lee University). Mentor: David Marsh (Washington and Lee University). Crossing a clearcut: Orientation and homing behavior in the red-backed salamander, Plethodon cinereus.
Cooper, Haley (Middlebury College). Mentor: David Marsh (Washington and Lee University). How does population density affect Plethodon cinereus surface activity?
Croft, Genevieve (Georgetown University). Mentor: Eric Nagy (University of Virginia). Effects of local light environment on insect herbivore damage and seedling growth for three tree species.
Dexter, Kyle (University of Virginia). Mentor: Amy Pederson and Janis Antonovics (University of Virginia). The effect of edge habitat on parasitism and population structure in Peromyscus leucopus.
Elitzer, Ben (University of California Berkeley). Mentor: Ethan Clotfelter (Providence College). The effects of testosterone on incubation behavior of female Dark-eyed Juncos.
O'Neal, Dawn (Washington University). Mentor: Ethan Clotfelter (Providence College). Effects of experimentally elevated testosterone on nest defense in female Dark-eyed Juncos.
Pantel, Jelena (University of Chicago). Mentor: Betsy Von Holle (University of Tennessee). Insect diversity patterns and their implications for floral invasion success.
Stemmy, Erik (Dickinson College ). Mentor: Scott Freeman and Henry Wilbur (University of Virginia). Intraspecific interactions between two size classes of Desmognathus quadramaculatus.